Strengths-Based Leadership Training for Aspiring Superheroes
Program Description
The 2024-25 brochure provides a general overview of the program.
Program Calendar
Click for current year schedule. Next year’s dates will be available summer, 2025
Application Process
Rolling admissions for the Sep 2025 cohort are open NOW through Jun 13, 2025
Claim Your Superpower
We believe a successful leader knows and celebrates their superpower. We spend the early months of the program understanding where we shine, and how to lean into our strengths. With this knowledge, we can better identify when it’s our turn to step up, and when it’s time to ask for help, or even step aside and take a support role.
Identify Your Purpose
With a strong sense of self, you begin to see where your values, strengths and skills align. Now that your superpower is coming into focus, you get to choose how, when and where to wield it. We believe leadership is a choice - and so is the time and place for when you decide to show up as a leader. You are most effective when you find yourself so moved by your work that you experience inner peace among the chaos - because you know you are doing the work you are meant to do.
Embrace Your Community
Leadership is hard and can even feel lonely at times. Surround yourself with community: people doing the same, or even different work. You’ll be surprised how much you have in common and how much we can help each other once we get talking. We are more than just a leadership program or continuing education workshop meant to teach some skills. We are just as focused as building and celebrating a community of people who believe in supporting not just our communities but also each other.
Live with Joy
Surround by community, serving your community, supporting your community, and building a place for yourself within that community - there you will find the joy that comes from knowing who you are, what you’re all about and what you are here to do.
We invite you to share moments of leadership joy on our social channels: LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram @community_connections_fund.
Celebrate the Work
For all community leaders who complete our ten month leadership program, we are delighted to affirm your new skills with our CCF Leadership Certification. After completing the program, you can add your certification badge to your LinkedIn profile and other social channels to let the world know you are ready and able to lead!